Where are you located?

We are located at 495 Hanover Street in the former Sylvester School building. If you are facing the front on the building, the entrance to the Pantry is on the right side of the building, under the overhang. We share the building with the Hanover DPW.

What happens when I arrive?

On your first visit, please bring proof of residency (such as a utility bill with your address and name, rental agreement, or tax bill) or a letter of referral from a Hanover church leader. And that’s it! Being a resident of Hanover or attendance at a Hanover church is the only requirement to use the Pantry.

Are there income requirements?

There are NO income requirements! We do not ask any questions about income or resources.

What is the best way to get current information and updates about the pantry?

We update our Facebook page with closures and other relevant information. You can find our Facebook page here: Hanover Food Pantry | Hanover MA | Facebook.

What should I bring with me on my first visit?

On your first visit, please bring proof of residency (such as a drivers license, utility bill with your address and name, rental agreement, or tax bill) or a letter of referral from a Hanover church leader. And that’s it! Being a resident of Hanover or attendance at a Hanover church is the only requirement to use the Pantry.

What items do you have?

We carry grocery staples, beverages (coffee, tea, and juice) household items (paper goods, trash bags, laundry detergent) and personal care items (deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner). We also have some limited items for special dietary needs (i.e.: low sodium, gluten free). Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.

What if I have other questions?

You can reach Hanover Food Pantry volunteers by messaging through our Facebook page, sending an email to hanoverfoodpantry@gmail.com or reaching out to Libby (Food Pantry Board member) at 781-336-6275.

How can I make a donation to the pantry?

Donations are gratefully accepted!

  • Food Donations are accepted at the pantry Mondays between 9:30 - 11:30 am (on Monday holidays, intake moves to Tuesdays). You can also leave donations in our donation shed, on the right side of the building under the overhang. Shaws grocery also has a donation bin just outside the exit door and you do not need to make a purchase to leave a donation in the bin.

  • Monetary donations and gift cards can be left in our secure lock box located on the front steps of the building or mailed to our Post Office Box at Hanover Food Pantry, P.O. Box 493, Hanover, MA 02339.